Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This is all new to me...

Well, whoever you are, reading what I think, hello!  I have been sitting here for hours at my in-laws house in New Jersey reading blogs, searching patterns, gaining inspiration and knitting in my favorite armchair by the fire.  I wouldn't want to be anywhere else...

 My puppy, Maya (who turned 1 yesterday) makes for great company.

The weather in NJ has certainly been frightful (even for this New Englander) with record snowfall and accumulations well past 2 feet!  We came to spend the holidays with my husband, Michael's family and it sure has been relaxing.  We've eaten, opened presents, shopped, shoveled, eaten, cooked, played, and did I say eaten?  Michael's grandparents are from Georgia and there is not much better than southern homecooking.  Oh, and while I've been here, I've finished my brother in laws scarf that he's been begging me for, finished the wash cloth set for Mama, and even managed to go through a skein and a half of yarn on my throwAnd to top it off, the after Christmas sales at the local yarn stores have left a fixed smile on my face when I think of all the things I'll be knitting this week.  

The wool on the left is for some custom knit leashes that will soon be featured on etsy and the stash of Sugar n' Cream will be for some more washcloths... they're so quick and instantly gratifying!   

And so after another hour of proofing and editing my first blog entry (because I'm a perfectionist, afraid of what all of my "readers" will think of me) I think I'm ready to PUBLISH POST!!!!  Maybe someone will even read it!
Happy Knitting!  