TO DO List No. 1 of 2011
- Finish wash cloths (buy new green yarn to do so), photograph, and list (DONE & SOLD!!!)
- Photograph and list candy colored wash cloths (DONE)
- Finish knitting FPK Slipper... FOR ME!!! and assemble, felt, and wear!!!! (DONE)
- Finish Cabled Blanket... probably will still be on To Do List No. 1 of 2012!!! (HAHAHAHA)
- Leashes... I've got to assemble 6 new ones, felt them, photograph them, and list them... I need to photograph them better than these first ones... the picture doesn't do them any justice that I posted already... any suggestions? Maya would not cooperate so I couldn't even get one in use!!! (DONE)
TO DO List No. 2 of 2011
- Finish Cabled Blanket... probably will still be on To Do List No. 1 of 2012!!!
- FPK Slippers for Deva, Kristin and MaryEllen
- Leash for customer
- Socks for Kristin
Hmmmm I did a lot more than I thought I had--- this is actually really motivating!