I have always been organized. well, not just organized... a bit compulsive. I like things to be done right, I like thing to be color coded (really), I like tabs in binders (they make me happy), I love highlighters and colored sharpies, I live for post it notes and I
really like TO DO lists... I have a lot of them! I am a music teacher and I have over 300 students that I see weekly. I teach kindergarten through eighth grade... and in order to keep my sanity, to do lists are a must. I have a multiple colored pads in my desk at work, and nothing is more satisfying then finishing the final thing in order to start a new list!
So here I am on January 7, 2011 and I realize that I need a TO DO list for my knitting projects... how could it really be that 7 days into this new year, and I still don't have one?!?!?! How will I ever finish all these WIP without a list?!?!?! So here goes...
TO DO List No. 1 of 2011
- Finish wash cloths (buy new green yarn to do so), photograph, and list
- Photograph and list candy colored wash cloths
- Finish knitting FPK Slipper... FOR ME!!! and assemble, felt, and wear!!!!
- Finish Cabled Blanket... probably will still be on To Do List No. 1 of 2012!!!
- Leashes... I've got to assemble 6 new ones, felt them, photograph them, and list them... I need to photograph them better than these first ones... the picture doesn't do them any justice that I posted already... any suggestions? Maya would not cooperate so I couldn't even get one in use!!!
Well, I guess that's my first list of 2011... I plan to start each month with a new one... hopefully all of these items will be long done! (Except the blanket... I always seem to put it on hold.)
So, are any of my "readers" list makers too? There must be somebody out there! Hey, maybe I might get a follower soon! ;o)
Happy Knitting, everyone!